Thursday, September 18, 2008

Research Seminars and Noontalk

Next week's Africa-related research seminar will be on open access resources and the African Studies Collection Website:

While a large percentage of African Studies materials is still only available in print, electronic resources are proliferating. Many of the resources are available free of charge in an open access environment. This seminar attempts to give an overview of such resources. It also introduces participants to the African Studies Collection website which includes links to African newspapers and other current news sources, finding aids to our pamphlet/conference paper and special collections (e.g., the President Banda Archive, the Somali collection, etc.), class webpages, inventories of our African film and microform collections, book reviews, and much more.
Mo, September 22, 12:00-1:00; and Thu, Sept. 25, 12:00-1:00; both in the Wells Library, E 157

Additionally, I will present a noontalk (September 23, 12:00-1:00, WH 218) on
"The IUB-African Studies Collection in the 21st Century – Resources, Services, and other News"

I look forward to seeing many of you at the seminars and/or noontalk.

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